
WeSmirch widgets: why, yes

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 6:02AM ET
by Gabe Rivera     Permalink

It's a snap to add a widget to your blog or web site that displays headlines from WeSmirch, Ballbug, memeorandum, or tech.memeorandum, a sample of which appears here:

Earlier I described how to do so for the last two web sites; the process is just as easy for the two newer sites.

The above WeSmirch widget appears via the following tag:

<script language="JavaScript" src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

For headlines from Ballbug, use "bbwidget" in place of "wswidget" in the above code. Likewise, for memeorandom or tech.memeorandum headlines, use "pwidget" or "twidget", respectively. Note that the widget will shrink to fit your sidebar, which likely is narrower than the above box.

Livlier colors than gray are available as well. Just change the word gray in the Javascript snippet to blue, green, tan, or white. Or even style it yourself, as explained in the earlier post.

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